by theamazinJ
I am It.
Whoever I meet is It.
Everyone is It.
The people we haven't met yet are It.
The people we have met are It.
And, the people we will meet are It, too.
It is a phenomenon we call It.
I am It.
I am the unknown.
I may seem scary with my differences than you,
but I am It and you are It to me,
so to be It is not really a travesty,
not really a catastrophe,
not really a tragedy,
not really a inspiration,
it's not really a frightening,
It's just an anxiety of fears of the unknown.
From anxiety, the It we meet
becomes the enemy the one to be defeated and
the one to be destroyed
because the It takes on what is different
It takes on what is not the same,
and It takes on what we hate to change,
Be It and be the It that can help change the world
in a more positive change we have ever seen before,
and tell the anxiety from the It to Shut up and listen,
since the It is just everyone and everything around us
different than the same,
different than you,
and maybe can change the way you feel,
change the way you experience life,
and feel more power in your heart
to feel the way you can give support to receive everything,
take heart, take your life in your hands,
and grow with It.