Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Last Word, but Not the Least or the Last,

by theamazinJ

My words,
My words matter,
My mind,
My mind matters,
My mind is mine,
My mind is who I am,
My mind makes up my own thoughts,
I am may be criticized
I am may be told my thoughts are other people's,
I  use my thoughts to come up with original thoughts,
I have original ideas,
I have a future of beauty,
even when others may think:
I am unoriginal
That I am brainwashed by others,
that I am crazy with thoughts,
The Last Word I can say is:
I am pure
I am complex
I am hard to understand
I am intelligent
I am creative
I am original
I am an artist
I am a poet
I am a researcher
I am a activist
I am a advocate
I am a fondly amazing person,
most of all,
I am how I was supposed to be created,
I was born this way
to make a difference,
to help others understand
human reality and being,
to help others understand
who they are and
how to self-actualize,
most importantly,
I was born to make others great
and learn to forgive,
learn to empower myself,
learn to teach others to never give up,
most evidently,
teach everyone about how to be self-aware,
to be self-assuring,
and to be worthy of who they are
without the opinions of others
getting in the way,
but I was also here to
learn to believe,
believe in myself,
believe in others,
and to believe
in the world
that evolution changes
because of neurodiversity
because of celebration
because the world is:
changing constantly,
always re-examining the past,
Always always always
expressing how everyone feels
how the world feels,
how the universe feels
so one day
the higher power
will say:
Welcome Welcome Welcome
to the universe beyond,
when we have:
all forgiven
all have let go
all have finally moved forward!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Autistic Artistic Carnival Week starting on June 18 Autistic Pride Day for the rest of the month of June

This carnival is unaffiliated with ANY organization.

This has been and always be a product of Jason Ross' events that he holds every year for Autistic Pride Day.

The carnival will be simultaneously placed on the the original site for Autistic Artistic Carnival.

For information on how to submit, please email me at and/or email through the facebook page

Thank you and let's have some fun this coming Autistic Pride Day!!


Sunday, February 14, 2016

It is a blog to celebrate and teach people about my life as an Autistic and disabled person, the disability community, the Autistic community, and what the Autistic community can do better in fighting against medical charity organizations like Autism Speaks.

This blog will also teach self-advocacy effectiveness from the standpoint from Autistic people themselves. It is not a blog to promote medical charity organizations agendas, tokens (posters of inspiration or martyrs), and research to eradicate Autistic people like what (if any) causes and cures autism. This blog does not use functioning labels like 'high' and 'low' functioning either.

It is also NOT a blog to promote elitism in general in any way shape and form. Thus, the blog is here to promote equality, acceptance, celebration, and treating everyone with dignity and respect. 

This blog is to help heal the many stigmas and stereotypes that hurt disabled people and many other cultures every day.

This blog promotes self-determined language, not pathology based (person first) language. In that case, I use identity first language, but I accept language any one else uses. 

It is a blog to celebrate the human race. 

There will be the Autistic Artistic Carnival online edition for the 7th year in a row on June 18, Autistic Pride Day. It originally started in 2010 on my old blog which ended. The carnival is for Autistic writers, artists, scientists, inventors, and many other creative mediums.

Let's begin and remember, I'm not done yet...